Pav Funball Academy was launched by Pawel Guziejko. His project does not chuck young players into set categories as this can be harmful to a developing child. Instead his academy relishes opportunities to learn about the youngster to help them (and the coach) understand what will work. Essentially it’s all down to listening, observing and thinking logically. AS PAWEL BELIEVES, ALL YOUNGER PLAYERS ARE CREATIVE, JUST IN DIFFERENT WAYS. ITS UP TO THE COACH TO NURTURE AND GROOM THOSE TRAITS.
Before a player can be expected to learn ball skills the child must first be under control of the body. This growth in athleticism, from gross motor skills to fine motor skills, is a long-term growth process involved brain and habits. It is imperative for children to acquire a base of general balance, coordination and agility before soccer skills. How can coaches expect them to control the ball before they can control their bodies?
The development of technical ability and players strengths in that area rather than weakness. This will involve individual challenges as to when and where to perform these strengths i.e. (passing) and improve from good already to more advance and outstanding in future.
The development of technical awareness on the field including psychological and social factors involving movement with and without the ball. We create environment where players will be challenged to solve problems within game situations that often repeatedly occur during the game.
Our coaching methods are use the interaction between the mind (decision making & technique) and the body (movement). This reflect fully the game itself, where all coordinative actions in football are joined together with the process of decision making. Therefore, the player must be always in the centre of the game to simply learn, where numbers are limited, player involvement is maximized and motivation level is high. Our football and player development model is based on physical ability (movement) linking closely with tactical intelligence (decision making + technique). These factors are essential to maximize player ability to learn and its brain capacity to take information on board. Therefore, before we introduce more complex game situations to solve, we must ensure that young players have experience and cognitive maturity to deal with it.
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