Youth Development – Tips for Coaches

How to talk so children will listen? Tips for coaches.

If you don’t know how to be a better donor of information for children, it is best you listen how they communicate with each other. Then just start using the same means that they use in communicating among themselves. Here they are…

Avoid Complicated Sentences

They almost always use simple sentences and monosyllables – a good tip for us adults: avoid complex sentences with complicated content. A simple message is the key to success.This is one of our top tips for coaches.

Get to the Point

They don’t talk long or too much, but rather quickly get to the point. As a rule, the discussion doesn’t last longer than between thirty seconds and one minute; another tip for us adults: the longer we talk, the sooner the child becomes deaf and bored. Since they talk for just a minute, let’s consider whether we really require more time to convey or explain something.

Maintain Eye Contact

When they talk in pairs, they usually don’t avoid eye contact. This testifies to their mutual respect and shows that they can listen to the other side. Here’s one more tip for us adults: eye contact will help in bringing the child’s attention to what we want to convey. It also increases the pupil’s concentration.
talking to children tips for coaches

Have a Laugh

Usually, the discussion is of a positive nature and becomes playful. Here’s another tip: try to make what you wish to convey playful by nature, a good laugh certainly won’t hurt.

Avoid Giving Orders

A lot of times youngsters will use the words ‘I want’, which means that they are willing to strive for something and want to fulfil the task set them. Here’s a good tip: avoid the information being conveyed sounding like an order. Children don’t like that.

Answer Brief Questions

Children as a rule, didn’t ask questions, because they didn’t fully understand what a question is. If they did ask, the questions were short and simple like: How? When? Why do I do that? Next tip: the easy, open and brief question will be relative to the age and psychological development of the young person.

Give Choices

Children offered the possibility of a choice, for example: shall we choose an easy or a difficult game. Here’s another tip: in communication, remember the possibility of giving a choice. This has a positive effect on their psychological development and ability to learn from others.

Don’t Ignore Their Feelings

Children constantly expressed what they were doing and why, and felt important when they talked to each other. Another tip – try not to ignore the feelings of children and what they want to convey. With your own message, let the children understand that they are important. It will make them listen better, and more willingly!

Understand Their Feelings

Children conveyed and accepted information in a uniform dimension. Tip – spend less time issuing commands and more on taking in what the child feels and says.